How to easily thread a needle?
How to easily thread an embroidery needle?
How to easily thread a needle? Is a question I get asked more times I wish to share.
Threading an embroidery needle can be a bit tricky, but with some practice, it becomes easier.
First of all start by cutting a length of embroidery thread around 60cm long. Snip the end of the embroidery floss at a slight angle. (This will make it easier to thread)
Taking your cut thread, pinch the end of the floss and wet it slightly (most people just dab the thread on their tongue, but you can use water if this makes you uncomfortable) to make it easier to insert through the eye of the needle.
Next, hold the needle in one hand and the end of the floss in the other. Insert the floss through the eye of the needle and pull it through until there is an equal amount of floss on both sides of the needle.
That’s it!
You’re ready to start embroidering.
Bonus Top Tip
If you are still struggling to thread your embroidery thread into the eye of the needle you may need to change the needle for on with a bigger eye. As embroidery floss is made up of 6 individual strands not all needles can accommodate this.
If all else fails and it’d becoming incredibly frustrating invest in a needle threader or self threading needles. They can be picked up in all good craft shops.
I really hope your found this post useful. If you are looking for a new embroidery project to get stuck into you can find my kits below.