How do you sew a simple back stitch?

After Running Stitch, backstitch is the next easiest hand embroidery stitch to master.

Backstitch has so many uses from lettering, outlining to filling in shape. It’s abilities are endless giving a sleek clean finish that will make any project look professional.



Keep your stitch lengths the same and even and don’t pull too hard, keeping your tension the same will create the even looking finish.

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Start by pulling the needle and thread up through the fabric, make one stitch forward. From underneath the fabric, decide on the length of your stitch, push the needle up through the fabric. Then bring the needle and thread back down through the fabric at the end of the previous stitch.

I really hope your found this post useful. If you are looking for a new embroidery project to get stuck into you can find my kits below.

"Daphne" Complete Spring Floral DIY Embroidery Kit
Sale Price: £24.00 Original Price: £32.00

Beginners Guide: Stab Method VS Sewing Method


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